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Atelier Jardins de Versailles
Welcome to the Atelier Jardin de Versailles
Cartonnage was popular among French ladies in the 19th century. It is a traditional craft in which traditional French fabrics such as toile de Jouy are pasted onto cardboard to create beautiful boxes.
After studying cartonnage in France and obtaining a diploma in 2017, I started selling handmade products in my home atelier using elegant European fabrics such as toile de Jouy, which was also loved by Marie Antoinette, and my unique sense and techniques honed during my life in France.
During the lessons, not only will you make useful boxes, but you will also create wonderful pieces with a European flair that can be displayed and enjoyed for their beauty.
2017 年フランスにてカルトナージュを学びディプロマを取得後、自宅アトリエにてマリーアントワネットも愛したトワル・ド・ジュイなど、ヨーロッパのエレガントな生地を使いフランス生活の中で磨かれた独自のセンスと技術でハンドメイド商品の販売をしております
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